Our Products

Drink our tonic every day and envision a roto rooter going through your body.  Experience all that nature has to offer bottles in numerous sizes for your convenience.  While our tonic will help alleviate and shorten the symptons of the common cold don't wait until you are totally under the weather to take our tonic.  Drink it daily to maintain a healthy body and...

Body Draino:  Heat Scale on a rating of 1-100 (80)

Our most popular blend of natures finest organic delicasies.  Jalapeno Peppers, Garlic, White Onions, Horse Radish Root Ginger and The "Mother" Apple Cider Vinegar.

4oz $
8oz $
16oz $
1/2 Gallon $
Gallon $

Devils Spit:Heat Scale on a rating of 1-100 (150)

DISCLAIMER:  This one is HOT and can take your breath away.  Hold on to your tastebuds and say your prayers before taking this one.  My absolute favorite formula. VERY potent and VERY spicy. Includes everything from our Body Draino formula, but we add an array of Ghost Peppers and Habeneros.  Sure to fire up and knock out anything you may have going on inside of you.

4oz $
8oz $
16oz $
1/2 Gallon $
Gallon $


•Our tonic is non toxic and can be used during pregnancies and is safe for children (use smaller doses)
•Does not need refrigeration and lasts indefinitely without any special storage conditions.
•Shake it every time you walk by it, a minimum of once per day.
•For ordinary infections, 1 dropper full taken 5-6 times a day will deal with most conditions.
•The dosage is 1/2 to 1 ounce, two or more times daily (1-2 tablespoons), gargle and swallow.
Don't dilute with water.