Master Tonic Ingredients:

Horseradish Root:

From the same family as the mustard and cabbage family and has anti scorbutic and expectorant properties. The root reportedly cures tonsillitis and is a natural treatment for rheumatic and respiratory disorders. The root is also laden with a potent amount of vitamin C and B complex, minerals, potassium, calcium and iron as well as enzymes. It is a natural antibiotic which can kill bacteria in the throat that cause bronchitis. Horseradish heats up the body and has a cardiotonic effect (strengthens the heart). The glucosinolates found in horseradish are thought to increase resistance in humans to cancer. These glucosinolate compounds are only found in plants which are in the mustard family such as horseradish, mustard, broccoli and cauliflower. They have powerful anti-oxidant properties. It is interesting to note that a study in 2005 showed that glucosinolates increase the liver’s ability to detoxify and eliminate carcinogens. Horseradish contains an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of the glucosinolates which makes it easier for the human body to benefit from its therapeutic properties


Garlic is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. While man-made antibiotics kill the good bacteria your body needs, garlic only kills the bad bacteria – it even increases your healthy bacteria. Garlic is also a powerful anti-viral (to target colds, the flu and upper respiratory infections) and anti-fungal.

White Onions:

Have potent diuretic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown onions to be an effective expectorant, making them useful for infections like the common cold, flu and persistent coughs. Onions are also rich in quercetin, which has been shown to help prevent heart disease by stopping cholesterol from attaching to arterial walls and blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots.


Ginger Root:

The ginger root is actually an underground stem. It may have blood thinning properties and cholesterol lowering properties. Compounds found in ginger known as gingerols have analgesic, sedative, anti-pyretic (lowers fever) and anti-bacterial properties. They also have anti-fungal properties that supposedly are effective against even athlete’s foot. Ginger contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, choline, folic acid, inositol, manganese, pantothenic acid, silicon and a small amount of vitamin B3. Ginger has good properties for menstruation problems, and many say that it is good for settling and upset stomach.

Jalepeno Peppers, Habenero Peppers, Ghost Peppers:  Hot Peppers can also help boost your immune system, act as a natural decongestant and have warming properties, which makes them a natural pain-reliever.

Braggs Organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar has so many amazing properties to it.  It’s a natural antiseptic and antifungal, great for digestion, detoxifying and so much more.