I work one on one with clients who are struggling with health issues and I teach them to use  food to restore their vitality.  My most successful clients are ones who are suffering from high cholesterol, high tryglycerides and type 2 diabetes.  My clients change their diets and improve their health!
I began eating a plant based diet 18 years ago after a friend's husband recovered from a terminal disease by changing his food.  I had never made the connection between food and health before but when food healed him, the connection was made.  I have been eating a plant based diet ever since and my friend and her husband have lived happily ever after with two beautiful children that came along post recovery. 
My own husband was diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol and high tryglicerides when he was only 30.  By 35, he was on 7 medications.  By 39, he was a sick old man.  Then he had his lightbulb moment.  If he was to continue to eat whatever he wanted, he wasn't going to be around for our three kids.
That was it.  He changed his diet. After converting to a plant based diet (and cutting out his fast food binges), he is 90 pounds slimmer and off of all his meds. 
By committing to live a plant based life, he and many of my clients have improved their health tremendously.
I can teach you to do the same.

I work one on one with clients who are struggling with health issues and I teach them to use  food to restore their vitality.  My most successful clients are ones who are suffering from high cholesterol, high tryglycerides and type 2 diabetes.  My clients change their diets and improve their health!

I began eating a plant based diet 18 years ago after a friend's husband recovered from a terminal disease by changing his food.  I had never made the connection between food and health before but when food healed him, the connection was made.  I have been eating a plant based diet ever since and my friend and her husband have lived happily ever after with two beautiful children that came along post recovery. 

My own husband was diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol and high tryglicerides when he was only 30.  By 35, he was on 7 medications.  By 39, he was a sick old man.  Then he had his lightbulb moment.  If he was to continue to eat whatever he wanted, he wasn't going to be around for our three kids.

That was it.  He changed his diet. After converting to a plant based diet (and cutting out his fast food binges), he is 90 pounds slimmer and off of all his meds.  By committing to live a plant based life, he and many of my clients have improved their health tremendously.

I can teach you to do the same.